The Thoughts and Sarcastic Observations of a Starbucks Addict
This is a collection of my observations and random thoughts that occur in my OCD possessed brain with some of my photography thrown into the mix. A description of me: sarcastic, brutally honest, opinionated knowledge junkie.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
All future posts will be made at
Friday, June 1, 2012
My first book, A View Through My Lens is now available at It will be available at bookstores nationwide July 15th. The book contains a collection of my photography with images from Nashville, Tennessee and throughout South Central Kentucky. Some of my bestsellers are in there along with some new releases and my personal favorites. I have included a few images below the cover image that are in the book.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Flooding at Gaylord

Over the weekend Nashville had devastating floods that ripped through and destroyed many landmarks and tourist attraction in addition to taking lives. These are some pictures of the flood damage to the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and mall.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Elin Nordegren is planning to return home. Sources say that this is strictly going to be a platonic partnership, she is doing it for their children and for his sponsors. Apparently they are more likely to take him back if the family unit appears to be intact because that's what the American people like to see. Personally, I think the guy is a jerk for having as many, many, many, many, less than desirable partners that he had as side dishes for the past few years, but I liked him because of his skills on the green, not his devotion to his wife. Yeah it sucks that the guy is an ass but he is one hell of a golfer. I don't understand why his handlers think it would be better for him to put on a farce to satisfy everybody. Sure the image of them staying intact may provide comfort and solace to those who are really heartbroken by his family man image being tarnished but I think I would take more comfort in a strong woman walking away. Irregardless of what happens, I will still watch Tiger play.
Friday, February 5, 2010
I’ve been noticeably absent from my blogging over the past few months as you have probably noticed. I don’t really have a valid excuse for this, other than being busy with life. I have worked on becoming more domesticated and have even volunteered to become my son’s room mother at his school. My first official all totally planned by me party will be next Friday for their Valentine’s party. This was a task I kind of stumbled into, since no one else volunteered to be the room mother I offered to do so. This probably isn’t the best thing for me or the students since I am so neurotic and I want everything to be absolutely perfect and the potential to have everything perfect in a room full of partying children is unlikely. It was a challenge for me just to even ask the other mothers to bring supplies because I wanted everything to color coordinate and be from the same brand. However, I remembered my son’s teacher specifically requested a room mother, not a room Nazi, so total domination of the first grade fiesta is not mine to be had. My political observations have been miniscule as I haven’t been keeping up with anything over the past few months but I have renewed my subscription to Time so it should only be a matter of weeks before I am back in my element with that. Last week we had the blizzard from hell and I had a case of pneumonia from hell so it was not fun. We had so much snow that I had to drive my Jeep around in the yard to make tracks in the snow that would be deep enough to allow my small dog to walk out and pee. That was one benefit to having an illness during the blizzard, my high fever made me feel warm and insulated in the arctic tundra of my front yard.

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Old Louisville

I went to the St. James Art Festival this weekend in Louisville, KY. I am so glad that I did because I got to see some absolutely breathtaking architecture. I love restored old buildings!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Pondering the existence of a "soul mate"
I wonder if people really do have a soul mate. That one person that will compliment your life in ways you never anticipated it being complimented. I’ve never felt like I have met someone who could fit that bill for me and I don’t think I’m the only person who hasn’t. Sure I’ve been in love before but the whole time I knew that they were not who I considered to be my Prince Charming. Never a love so strong I felt as if I would take a bullet for them, that if they were gone from my life I would stop breathing. Some people never meet that one person they completely mesh with. They may marry and grow old with someone and they may in fact love them but they essentially just settled, holding true to the engrained belief that truly meeting the love of your life and having them captivate your heart is the stuff of fairy tales. Perhaps it is, perhaps it isn’t. Personally I’ve never met anyone that took my breath away the instant I first saw them, knowing from the moment that I locked eyes with them from across a crowded room that this was it. I have never felt like I was missing anything because of this and I’ve never felt particularly envious of those that had experienced those feelings. Honestly I have only crossed paths with a few people who have experienced this. The majority met their spouses in high school or college then went through the motions expected of marriage and children, watching them grow and leave the nest and then diligently watching their 401k until retirement. My older friends are currently at the retirement phase, my young friends are at the beginning of the journey but it’s essentially going to be the same resolution at the end. This doesn’t seem like living life to the fullest. I think that I would rather have just one day with someone that gave me the feelings described above; realizing that they were the one and no one would ever touch my life in that way again. Even if it was just for that one day, it would be better than spending a lifetime going through the motions expected by society with someone that may love me more than anything but they just aren’t that magic piece of the puzzle that is my life.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
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